[Coursera] Preventing Chronic Pain A Human Systems Approach (University of Minnesota)

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FolderCoursera - Preventing Chronic Pain A Human Systems Approach
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5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 1 - Introduction_ The Rule of Moderation v3 (2_37).srt1.34kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 3 Patient Interviews (1_12).srt1.69kB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 7 Clinic Trigger Points Demo (1_46).srt2.35kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 1 - Introduction_ The Rule of Gatherings (3_21).srt2.66kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 2 What You Can Do to Prevent Headaches_ An introduction (2_25).srt3.06kB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 5 Listening and Understanding People_'s Stories (2_04).srt3.24kB
About this course.txt3.68kB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 5 How do you want to be_ (3_26).srt4.62kB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 1 Introduction_ The Blessing of Love v2 (4_06).srt4.95kB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 6 Creating and Activating Clinical Reasoning Dynamics (3_29).srt5.02kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 8 - Patient Interview 3 (5_24).srt5.38kB
1 Introduction/1 - 2 - International Myopain Society Introduction (3_50).srt5.55kB
1 Introduction/1 - 5 - Campaign Promo (4_15).srt5.56kB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 1 Introduction_ Energy Thieves v2 (5_05).srt5.88kB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 7 The Complementary Nature of Problems and Outcomes (4_08).srt5.90kB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 1 Introduction_ Emotion and Fear v2.srt7.21kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 1 - Introduction_ The Vacation v2 (5_22).srt7.29kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 5 Headache Triggers and Contributing Factors (5_45).srt7.65kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 1 Introduction_ The Festival v2 (6_06).srt7.68kB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 2 Outcome Present State Test (OPT) Model (5_16).srt7.69kB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 8 - Clinic Demo_ Stretching (7_48).srt7.71kB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 7 Clinic Demo_ Exercises (6_06).srt7.75kB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 4 Strategies to Manage Arthritis Pain (5_41).srt7.80kB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 5 Screening for Functional Mobility (6_12).srt7.95kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 4 Assess Your Seven Realms (5_25).srt8.18kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 4 Headache Diagnosis (6_43).srt8.63kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 5 Medical and Dental Treatment Risks and Chronic Pain (6_23).srt8.96kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 4 Personal Accidents and Chronic Pain (6_45).srt9.08kB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 3 Knowledge Representation and Framing (6_31).srt9.08kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 7 - Patient Interview 2 (7_21).srt9.55kB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 5 Exercise (6_57).srt9.64kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 9 Treatment Planning_ Simple to complex (6_55).srt9.77kB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 0 - Preface to The Last Scroll (v2) (7_51).srt9.81kB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 4 Chaos Theory_ Small changes, big impact (7_34).srt10.03kB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 5 The Overlapping Features of Chronic Pain Conditions (9_01).srt10.06kB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 1 The Prevalence of Chronic Pain (7_59).srt10.17kB
1 Introduction/1 - 3 - Introduction to the Last Scroll (v2) (7_11).srt10.17kB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 3 Arthritis_ Risk and protective factors (7_24).srt10.34kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 6 What About Muscle Dysfunction_ (7_26).srt10.42kB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 3 Neuroplasticity_ Mechanisms for Social Risk (8_01).srt10.54kB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 2 The Cycles of the Social Lives We Live (7_35).srt10.56kB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 5 What about Opioids to Prevent Chronic Pain_ (8_33).srt10.78kB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 6 What about Surgery to Prevent Chronic Pain_ (7_58).srt10.84kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 6 Infection Risk_ Staying Clean, Infection Free, and Healthy (8_01).srt10.88kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 3 Understanding Your Headache (8_41).srt10.90kB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 4 Abuse, Conflict, and Social Stressors_ Inner Conflict and Pain (8_41).srt11.19kB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 4 Clinical Reasoning Web (7_33).srt11.19kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 6 - Patient Interview 1 (7_09).srt11.49kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 8 Managing Headaches_ An individualized treatment plan (8_23).srt11.71kB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 3 Self-efficacy and Self-management (8_18).srt11.74kB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 2 The Biomedical Model versus a Human Systems Approach (9_14).srt11.90kB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 2 The Lifestyle Treadmill (9_05).srt13.04kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 8 Protect Yourself_ Environmental Changes to Prevent Chronic Pain (9_15).srt13.19kB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 6 Chemicals_ Medication, Smoking, Alcohol and Recreational Drug Use (10_11).srt13.25kB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 7 Prevention of TMD (8_43).srt13.26kB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 8 Take-home Messages about Chronic Pain (9_31).srt13.28kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 10 - Patient Interview 5 (8_42).srt13.32kB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 8 Video Exercise_ Guided Relaxation (10_44).srt13.62kB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 3 A New Paradigm (9_54).srt13.82kB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 2 Myofascial Pain_ Clinical characteristics (11_22).srt14.62kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 2 Environmental Risks and their Impact on Chronic Pain (10_18).srt14.82kB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 7 Daily routines (Activity Level, Balance, Pacing, Timing, and Variation) (10_53).srt14.89kB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 5 Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and Chronic Pain (11_33).srt14.91kB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 4 Postural Strain (10_01).srt14.92kB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 2 Restoring Wellbeing_ The Roles of Hope and Purpose in Recovering from Chronic Pain (10_43).srt15.14kB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 7 Developing a Transformative Treatment Plan (10_44).srt15.32kB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 2 Arthritis_ Understanding and expectations (11_14).srt15.50kB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 1 Why improve our health care system_ (11_02).srt15.74kB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 2 - 2 Provider Interview_ Dr. Miles Belgrade.srt16.01kB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 2 Barriers to improving health care (11_00).srt16.04kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 3 Motor Vehicle Accidents and Chronic Pain (11_03).srt16.12kB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 4 Who can improve the health care system_ (11_33).srt16.25kB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 3 Holistic complexity_ __The whole is greater than the sum of its parts__ (12_15).srt16.54kB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 4 Temporomandibular Disorder (12_05).srt16.73kB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 2 Musculoskeletal Pain Mechanisms (12_12).srt16.86kB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 2 Chronic Pain Scope and Nature of the Problem (14_13).srt17.03kB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 5 Obesity, Eating Disorders, and Chronic Pain (13_11).srt17.22kB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 5 Embracing Change_ Improving resilience (12_41).srt17.45kB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 3 Repetitive Strain (12_15).srt17.47kB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 2 The Health Care Dilemma that Chronic Pain Poses (12_30).srt17.59kB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 5 Exercises_ Breathing, Relaxation, and Mindfulness Meditation (20_34).srt17.62kB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 3 Common Orofacial Disorders (12_39).srt17.77kB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 3 Sleep and Chronic Pain (12_43).srt17.86kB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 8 The Four Cs of Clinical Judgment (11_19).srt17.89kB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 3 Transforming our health care system (12_28).srt17.95kB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 3 The Perils of Perception_ The Effects of Stress on Mind, Body, and Emotions (11_49).srt17.99kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 9 - Patient Interview 4 (11_18).srt18.39kB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 2 The Impact (13_16).srt18.94kB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 2 The Cognitive Dimension of The Pain Experience_ Understanding and expectation (13_52).srt19.28kB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 7 Pollution_ Air, Noise, Vibration, and Weather (14_31).srt19.68kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 1 Assessment of Pain using a Transformative Care Model (14_20).srt19.95kB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 2 Addressing Issues the with our Current Health Care System (13_32).srt19.98kB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 3 Myofascial Pain_ Causes (15_14).srt20.21kB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 6 Preventing Injury (13_55).srt20.53kB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 4 Resilience and Adaptation to Change (14_35).srt21.05kB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 4 What Interventions Work for Chronic Pain_ (16_24).srt21.83kB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 5 Risk and Protective Factors (16_00).srt21.84kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 2 Characteristics of a Pain Evaluation (16_36).srt22.47kB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 7 Social Support and Positive Relationships_ Protective Factors (15_26).srt22.48kB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 4 Coming Back to Yourself_ The Efficacy of Compassion and Mindfulness (15_24).srt22.61kB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 6 Occupational Stress, Secondary Gain, Disability and Chronic Pain (16_15).srt22.69kB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 7 Transformation of Episodic to Chronic Heachache (18_44).srt24.06kB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 5 Myofascial Pain_ Trigger point examination (18_40).srt24.18kB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 3 Protective Factors_ Managing Negative Emotions and Harnessing Positive Psychology for Healing (16_46).srt24.25kB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 3 Implementing Transformative Care_ The Case of Mona Lisa (16_51).srt24.40kB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 8 Cybernetics_ the cycles of our lives (17_07).srt24.80kB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 2 Negative Emotions are Risk Factors for Chronic Pain (17_56).srt25.38kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 4 Severity (23_15).srt25.81kB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 5 Experiential Exercises (17_40).srt25.88kB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 4 Diet and Chronic Pain (20_35).srt26.59kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 5 Misconceptions (24_29).srt26.73kB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 6 Personalized Care for Chronic Pain (24_25).srt27.89kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 2 Presentation (25_30).srt29.31kB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 4 Myofascial Pain_ Perpetuating factors (22_18).srt29.37kB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 4 Self-management of Chronic and Daily Emotional Challenges for Physical Relief (19_51).srt29.96kB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 3 Peripheral and Central Neural Mechanisms of Pain (25_51).srt30.18kB
1 Introduction/1 - 4 - Course Overview (v2) (21_28).srt30.19kB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 6 Treatment of TMD (21_39).srt30.35kB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 6 - 6 Provider Interview_ Dr. Bill Manahan.srt30.40kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 8 FMS_ Chemistry (27_39).srt30.96kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 10 Lifestyle Management (29_48).srt31.36kB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 6 Myofascial Pain_ Management strategies (23_15).srt32.11kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 7 Physiology of Sleep, Pain, and Mood (30_40).srt34.22kB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 4 Molecular Pathways of Persistent Pain (29_57).srt34.92kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 3 Diagnosis (35_03).srt40.01kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 6 FMS_ Genetics (58_48).srt50.04kB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 9 Medication Management (1_02_57).srt65.57kB
Chronic Pain.rtf335.94kB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 3 Patient Interviews (1_12).mp42.19MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 5 Myfacial pain 4 Handout.pdf2.21MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 4 Myfacial pain 3 Handout.pdf2.21MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 3 Myfacial pain 2 Handout.pdf2.22MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 2 Myfacial pain 1 Handout.pdf2.23MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 4 Weisberg slides.pdf2.28MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 5 Listening and Understanding People_'s Stories (2_04).mp43.44MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 5 Weisberg slides.pdf4.47MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 2 What You Can Do to Prevent Headaches_ An introduction (2_25).mp44.71MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 3 Weisberg slides.pdf5.02MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 7 Clinic Trigger Points Demo (1_46).mp45.34MB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 5 How do you want to be_ (3_26).mp45.48MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 1 - Introduction_ The Rule of Gatherings (3_21).mp45.96MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 6 Creating and Activating Clinical Reasoning Dynamics (3_29).mp46.01MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 7 The Complementary Nature of Problems and Outcomes (4_08).mp46.38MB
1 Introduction/1 - 2 - International Myopain Society Introduction (3_50).mp46.42MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 1 - Introduction_ The Rule of Moderation v3 (2_37).mp48.34MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 Fibromyalgia.pdf8.74MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 2 Outcome Present State Test (OPT) Model (5_16).mp48.87MB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 4 Strategies to Manage Arthritis Pain (5_41).mp49.48MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 4 Assess Your Seven Realms (5_25).mp49.73MB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 Chronic pain Maixner.pdf10.20MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 3 Knowledge Representation and Framing (6_31).mp410.49MB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/6 Arthritis Anderson.pdf10.60MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 1-2 Weisberg_slides.pdf10.65MB
1 Introduction/1 - 5 - Campaign Promo (4_15).mp410.86MB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 4 Chaos Theory_ Small changes, big impact (7_34).mp410.87MB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 3 Arthritis_ Risk and protective factors (7_24).mp411.94MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 4 Clinical Reasoning Web (7_33).mp412.16MB
1 Introduction/1 - 1 - Promo Video.mp412.32MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 1 Introduction_ Energy of the 7 Realms v2.mp412.32MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 5 Exercise (6_57).mp412.34MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 5 Medical and Dental Treatment Risks and Chronic Pain (6_23).mp412.38MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 5 Headache Triggers and Contributing Factors (5_45).mp412.46MB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 1 The Prevalence of Chronic Pain (7_59).mp412.50MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 6 What about Surgery to Prevent Chronic Pain_ (7_58).mp412.51MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 4 Headache Diagnosis (6_43).mp412.76MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 9 Treatment Planning_ Simple to complex (6_55).mp412.99MB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 5 Screening for Functional Mobility (6_12).mp413.08MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 4 Personal Accidents and Chronic Pain (6_45).mp413.10MB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 1 Introduction_ The Blessing of Love v2 (4_06).mp413.11MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 Headache Clavel.pdf13.13MB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 5 The Overlapping Features of Chronic Pain Conditions (9_01).mp413.18MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 8 - Patient Interview 3 (5_24).mp413.48MB
1 Introduction/1 - 3 - Introduction to the Last Scroll (v2) (7_11).mp413.53MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 5 What about Opioids to Prevent Chronic Pain_ (8_33).mp413.54MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 3 Neuroplasticity_ Mechanisms for Social Risk (8_01).mp413.80MB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 1 - Introduction_ The Attraction v2 (4_59).mp413.84MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 1 Introduction_ Emotion and Fear v2.mp413.91MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 1 - Introduction_ The Rule of Being_ Virtues, Vices, and Energy v2 (5_27).mp414.13MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 2 The Cycles of the Social Lives We Live (7_35).mp414.15MB
1 Introduction/1 - 3 - Common sense concepts in the Last Scroll.pdf14.22MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 6 What About Muscle Dysfunction_ (7_26).mp414.26MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 6 Infection Risk_ Staying Clean, Infection Free, and Healthy (8_01).mp414.48MB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 2 The Biomedical Model versus a Human Systems Approach (9_14).mp414.62MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 1 Introduction_ The Blessing of Health (4_09).mp414.69MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 3 Understanding Your Headache (8_41).mp414.97MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 1 Introduction_ The Conflict (5_50).mp415.05MB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 1 Introduction_ Energy Thieves v2 (5_05).mp415.09MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 8 Take-home Messages about Chronic Pain (9_31).mp415.47MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 2 The Lifestyle Treadmill (9_05).mp415.48MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 4 Abuse, Conflict, and Social Stressors_ Inner Conflict and Pain (8_41).mp415.54MB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 1 - Introduction_ The Human Spirit v2 (5_18).mp415.61MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 7 - Patient Interview 2 (7_21).mp415.73MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 7 Prevention of TMD (8_43).mp415.91MB
9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 2 Arthritis_ Understanding and expectations (11_14).mp415.93MB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 3 A New Paradigm (9_54).mp416.00MB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 Mind realm Hathaway.pdf16.11MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 1 Introduction_ The Leaning Tower and Fear v2 (5_32).mp416.24MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 7 Clinic Demo_ Exercises (6_06).mp416.35MB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 1 - Introduction_ Balance in the Seven Realms v2 (6_39).mp416.38MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 8 Managing Headaches_ An individualized treatment plan (8_23).mp416.40MB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 3 Self-efficacy and Self-management (8_18).mp416.44MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 1 Introduction_ Prosperity v2 (5_08).mp416.49MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 4 Postural Strain (10_01).mp417.02MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 7 Developing a Transformative Treatment Plan (10_44).mp417.05MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 1 - Introduction_ The Vacation v2 (5_22).mp417.09MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 8 Protect Yourself_ Environmental Changes to Prevent Chronic Pain (9_15).mp417.50MB
18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 8 The Four Cs of Clinical Judgment (11_19).mp417.59MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 6 Chemicals_ Medication, Smoking, Alcohol and Recreational Drug Use (10_11).mp417.79MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 8 - Clinic Demo_ Stretching (7_48).mp417.83MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 6 - Patient Interview 1 (7_09).mp417.96MB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 1 Why improve our health care system_ (11_02).mp418.15MB
4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 3 Holistic complexity_ __The whole is greater than the sum of its parts__ (12_15).mp418.17MB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 2 Barriers to improving health care (11_00).mp418.29MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 7 Daily routines (Activity Level, Balance, Pacing, Timing, and Variation) (10_53).mp418.65MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 1 Introduction_ The Festival v2 (6_06).mp418.91MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 2 Environmental Risks and their Impact on Chronic Pain (10_18).mp418.92MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 3 Motor Vehicle Accidents and Chronic Pain (11_03).mp419.32MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 5 Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and Chronic Pain (11_33).mp419.34MB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 2 The Health Care Dilemma that Chronic Pain Poses (12_30).mp419.52MB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 2 Restoring Wellbeing_ The Roles of Hope and Purpose in Recovering from Chronic Pain (10_43).mp419.63MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 6 Myfacial pain slides.pdf19.70MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 3 Sleep and Chronic Pain (12_43).mp420.21MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 4 Temporomandibular Disorder (12_05).mp420.41MB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 3 The Perils of Perception_ The Effects of Stress on Mind, Body, and Emotions (11_49).mp420.61MB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 3 Transforming our health care system (12_28).mp420.75MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 2 Addressing Issues the with our Current Health Care System (13_32).mp421.21MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 3 Common Orofacial Disorders (12_39).mp421.25MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 2 Musculoskeletal Pain Mechanisms (12_12).mp421.51MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 3 Repetitive Strain (12_15).mp421.67MB
20 TRANSFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (NEW)/20 - 4 Who can improve the health care system_ (11_33).mp422.16MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 2 Myofascial Pain_ Clinical characteristics (11_22).mp422.57MB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 0 - Preface to The Last Scroll (v2) (7_51).mp422.68MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 2 The Impact (13_16).mp423.53MB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 2 Chronic Pain Scope and Nature of the Problem (14_13).mp423.66MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 6 Preventing Injury (13_55).mp424.12MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 5 Obesity, Eating Disorders, and Chronic Pain (13_11).mp424.14MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 1 Assessment of Pain using a Transformative Care Model (14_20).mp424.62MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 8 Video Exercise_ Guided Relaxation (10_44).mp424.68MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 7 Social Support and Positive Relationships_ Protective Factors (15_26).mp425.69MB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 5 Embracing Change_ Improving resilience (12_41).mp425.69MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 4 What Interventions Work for Chronic Pain_ (16_24).mp425.86MB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 4 Coming Back to Yourself_ The Efficacy of Compassion and Mindfulness (15_24).mp426.49MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 3 Implementing Transformative Care_ The Case of Mona Lisa (16_51).mp426.85MB
16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 7 Pollution_ Air, Noise, Vibration, and Weather (14_31).mp426.87MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 5 Risk and Protective Factors (16_00).mp427.10MB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 2 - 2 Provider Interview_ Dr. Miles Belgrade.mp427.42MB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 4 Resilience and Adaptation to Change (14_35).mp427.93MB
12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 2 The Cognitive Dimension of The Pain Experience_ Understanding and expectation (13_52).mp428.03MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 10 - Patient Interview 5 (8_42).mp428.09MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 6 Occupational Stress, Secondary Gain, Disability and Chronic Pain (16_15).mp428.13MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 2 Characteristics of a Pain Evaluation (16_36).mp428.29MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 3 Protective Factors_ Managing Negative Emotions and Harnessing Positive Psychology for Healing (16_46).mp428.68MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 2 Negative Emotions are Risk Factors for Chronic Pain (17_56).mp431.02MB
17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 5 Exercises_ Breathing, Relaxation, and Mindfulness Meditation (20_34).mp431.68MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 5 Experiential Exercises (17_40).mp432.98MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 9 - Patient Interview 4 (11_18).mp433.76MB
15 LIFESTYLE REALM (Fricton)/15 - 4 Diet and Chronic Pain (20_35).mp433.88MB
7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 7 Transformation of Episodic to Chronic Heachache (18_44).mp433.94MB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 3 - 3 Provider Interview_ Dr. Stefan Friedrichsdorf.mp434.78MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 4 Severity (23_15).mp435.28MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 3 Myofascial Pain_ Causes (15_14).mp435.66MB
14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 4 Self-management of Chronic and Daily Emotional Challenges for Physical Relief (19_51).mp436.49MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 - 6 Treatment of TMD (21_39).mp436.69MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 8 Cybernetics_ the cycles of our lives (17_07).mp436.93MB
1 Introduction/1 - 4 - Overview.pdf37.83MB
1 Introduction/1 - 4 - Course Overview (v2) (21_28).mp438.32MB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 3 Peripheral and Central Neural Mechanisms of Pain (25_51).mp438.68MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 5 Misconceptions (24_29).mp439.03MB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 6 Personalized Care for Chronic Pain (24_25).mp439.80MB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 5 - 5 Provider Interview_ Dr. Matt Monsein.mp440.96MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 2 Presentation (25_30).mp441.44MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 8 FMS_ Chemistry (27_39).mp442.54MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 5 Myofascial Pain_ Trigger point examination (18_40).mp442.85MB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 6 - 6 Provider Interview_ Dr. Bill Manahan.mp443.82MB
10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 4 Molecular Pathways of Persistent Pain (29_57).mp444.36MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 10 - Transformative Care_ Patient Interview 2.mp444.46MB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 4 - 4 Provider Interview_ Dr. Mary Jo Kreitzer.mp444.73MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 10 Lifestyle Management (29_48).mp445.77MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 7 Physiology of Sleep, Pain, and Mood (30_40).mp448.51MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 4 Myofascial Pain_ Perpetuating factors (22_18).mp451.11MB
5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 6 Myofascial Pain_ Management strategies (23_15).mp452.02MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 9 - Transformative Care_ Patient Interview 1.mp453.74MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 3 Diagnosis (35_03).mp454.72MB
6 TMD AND OROFACIAL PAIN (Fricton)/6 TMD and orofacial pain.pdf55.62MB
2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 The Health Care Dilemma.pdf56.57MB
13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 Social realm.pdf65.37MB
INTERVIEWS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS/21 - 1 - 1 Provider Interview_ Dr. Karen Lawson.mp469.87MB
11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 The body realm.pdf71.35MB
3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 Personal Impact.pdf71.41MB
19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 Transformative health care.pdf73.40MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 6 FMS_ Genetics (58_48).mp474.40MB
8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 9 Medication Management (1_02_57).mp494.36MB
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