[Coursera] Neuroethics by Jonathan D. Moreno (University of Pennsylvania)

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Added2016-07-14 01:36:02
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FolderCoursera - Neuroethics
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Week 1/1 - 1 - Introduction (8_38).mp427.74MB
Week 1/1 - 2 - History of Bioethics in Ancient Times (13_20).mp469.10MB
Week 1/1 - 3 - History of Bioethics Before the 20th Century (12_25).mp424.12MB
Week 1/1 - 4 - History of Human Research Ethics, Part 1 (14_10).mp426.89MB
Week 1/1 - 5 - History of Human Research Subjects, Part 2 (13_43).mp422.00MB
Week 1/1 - 6 - The 1960s_ Plutonium Injection Experiments and Other Scandals (15_50).mp485.24MB
Week 1/1 - 7 - Principles of Human Research Ethics (13_42).mp424.72MB
Week 1/History of Human Research Ethics 20th Century Scandals.pdf240.55kB
Week 1/History of Human Research Ethics 20th Century.pdf811.07kB
Week 1/History of Human Research Ethics.pdf823.08kB
Week 1/Introduction.pdf120.31kB
Week 1/Principles of Human Research Ethics.pdf83.81kB
Week 2/2 - 1 - Lifestyle Medicine (13_55).mp423.28MB
Week 2/2 - 2 - Cosmetic Psychopharmacology, 1 (15_07).mp422.03MB
Week 2/2 - 3 - Cosmetic Psychopharmacology, 2 (11_50).mp421.78MB
Week 2/2 - 4 - Enhancement in the Workplace (13_50).mp424.35MB
Week 2/Chapter 2.1 Lifestyle Drugs.pdf4.73MB
Week 2/Chapter 2.2 Neurocognitive Enhancement.pdf49.10kB
Week 2/Chapter 2.3 The Run on Ritalin.pdf40.86kB
Week 2/Chapter 2.4 Beyond Therapy.pdf5.42MB
Week 3/3 - 1 - Notion of Self and Therapeutic Forgetting, 1 (12_05).mp415.81MB
Week 3/3 - 2 - Notion of Self and Therapeutic Forgetting, 2 (10_03).mp415.07MB
Week 3/Chapter 3.2 Ethical Implications of Memory Dampening.pdf50.15kB
Week 3/Chapter 3.3 Prozac as a Way of Life.pdf236.11kB
Week 3/Chapter 3.4 The Valorization of Sadness.pdf2.29MB
Week 4/4 - 1 - Neurobiology of Intelligence_ Science and Ethics (13_22).mp418.93MB
Week 4/4 - 2 - Neuroimaging of Emotion and Personality (13_00) .mp418.42MB
Week 4/4 - 3 - Digital People (16_18).mp425.98MB
Week 4/Chapter 4.1 Neuroimaging of Emotion and Personality.pdf51.10kB
Week 4/Chapter 4.2 Neurobiology of Intelligence.pdf50.83kB
Week 4/Chapter 4.3 Emerging Neurotechnologies for Lie Detection.pdf54.38kB
Week 4/Chapter 4.4 fMRI in the Public Eye.pdf54.40kB
Week 5/5 - 1 - Clinical Bioethics in Life and Death & Levels of Unconsciousness (16_30).mp422.00MB
Week 5/5 - 2 - Politics of New Biology (18_01).mp430.05MB
Week 5/Chapter 5.1 An Overview of the Impact of Neuroscience Evidence in Criminal Law.pdf165.39kB
Week 5/Chapter 6.1 Death, Unconsciousness, and the Brain.pdf60.39kB
Week 5/Chapter 6.5 From Neurons to Politics.pdf3.01MB
Week 6/6 - 1 - Neuroeconomics (16_14).mp426.35MB
Week 6/6 - 2 - Neuromarketing (16_38).mp453.17MB
Week 6/6 - 3 - Big Brain Projects (18_18).mp436.85MB
Week 6/6 - 4 - Neuroscience of Ethics (32_02).mp467.07MB
Week 6/Big Brain Projects.pdf1.02MB
Week 6/Neuroeconomics.pdf64.22kB
Week 6/Neuromarketing.pdf61.96kB
Week 6/Neuroscience of Ethics.pdf79.06kB
Week 7/7 - 1 - Mind Wars (13_42).mp447.87MB
Week 7/7 - 2 - Hallucinogens and National Security (11_43).mp418.80MB
Week 7/7 - 3 - Intersection of Neuroscience, National Safety, and International Conflict (11_48).mp443.42MB
Week 7/Hallucinogens and National Security.pdf748.41kB
Week 7/Intersection of Neuroscience, National Security, and International Conflict.pdf2.54MB
Week 7/Mind Wars.pdf285.51kB
Week 8/107 - 1 - Hot Topics (11_35).mp422.89MB
Week 8/Conclusion.pdf421.12kB
Week 8/Hot Topics.pdf55.22kB
about this course.rtf6.92kB
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