350,000 Raw Images from Spirit and Opportunity Mars Rovers (with Metadata)

Type: Dataset
Tags: Mars, images, space, esa, archive, photos, Opportunity, rover, NASA, Astronomy, Spirit

title= {350,000 Raw Images from Spirit and Opportunity Mars Rovers (with Metadata)},
journal= {},
author= {NASA},
year= {2021},
url= {https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/lmh8jk/i_want_to_download_all_raw_images_of_the_mars/gnyzyh4/},
abstract= {Metadata info: https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/edr_filename_key.html (https://archive.is/anp4x)

Collected by reddit user /u/Bagline:
"Scraped from Feb-19-2021 through Feb-24-2021
355460 images (1535 less than expected, I can only account for about half of the missing images, but it's too much work to go through again)
Uploaded as zip because it's 100x faster to transfer"},
keywords= {Astronomy, Mars, images, space, esa, archive, photos, Spirit, Opportunity, rover, NASA},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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