Arizona State University Twitter Data Set
R. Zafarani and H. Liu

Type: Dataset
Tags: ASU, Twitter, Social, Graph

title= {Arizona State University Twitter Data Set },
journal= {},
author= {R. Zafarani and H. Liu},
year= {2009},
institution= {Arizona State University, School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering},
url= {},
abstract= {Twitter is a social news website. It can be viewed as a hybrid of email, instant messaging and sms messaging all rolled into one neat and simple package. It's a new and easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about.

|Number of Nodes: |11316811|
|Number of Edges: |85331846|
|Missing Values? |no|
|Source:| N/A|

##Data Set Information:

1. nodes.csv
-- it's the file of all the users. This file works as a dictionary of all the users in this data set. It's useful for fast reference. It contains
all the node ids used in the dataset

2. edges.csv
-- this is the friendship/followership network among the users. The friends/followers are represented using edges. Edges are directed. 

Here is an example. 


This means user with id "1" is followering user with id "2".

##Attribute Information:

Twitter is a social news website. It can be viewed as a hybrid of email, instant messaging and sms messaging all rolled into one neat and simple package. It's a new and easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about.},
keywords= {ASU, Twitter, Social, Graph},
terms= {}

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