Sculptures 6k dataset
Relja Arandjelović and Andrew Zisserman

folder sculptures6k (7 files)
fileflickr_queries.txt 1.05kB
fileREADME.txt 3.45kB
filesculptures6k.tar.gz 781.18MB
filesculptures6k_evaluation.tar.gz 1.50MB
filesculptures6k_gt.txt 326.05kB
filesculptures6k_seg_anno.tar.gz 2.60MB
filesculptures6k_segmentations.tar.gz 15.76MB
Type: Dataset

title= {Sculptures 6k dataset},
journal= {},
author= {Relja Arandjelović and Andrew Zisserman},
year= {},
url= {},
abstract= {The Sculptures 6k Dataset consists of 6340 images images collected
from Flickr by searching for sculptures by Henry Moore and Auguste
Rodin.  The dataset is split equally into a train and test set, each
containing 3170 images.  For each set 10 different Henry Moore
sculptures are chosen as query objects, and for each of these objects
7 images and query regions are defined, thus providing 70 queries for
performance evaluation purposes.},
keywords= {},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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