Arizona State University Flixster Data Set

Type: Dataset
Tags: ASU, Flixter

title = {Arizona State University Flixster Data Set},
journal = {},
author = {Flixter },
year = {},
url = {},
abstract = {Flixster is a social movie site allowing users to share movie ratings, discover new movies and meet others with similar movie taste.

Number of Nodes: 2523386
Number of Edges: 9197338
Missing Values? no
Source: N/A

Data Set Information:

2 files are included:

1. nodes.csv
-- it's the file of all the users. This file works as a dictionary of all the users in this data set. It's useful for fast reference. It contains
all the node ids used in the dataset

2. edges.csv
-- this is the friendship network among the users. The friends are represented using edges. 
Here is an example. 


This means user with id "1" is friend with user id "2".

Attribute Information:

Flixster is a social movie site allowing users to share movie ratings, discover new movies and meet others with similar movie taste. This contains the friendship network crawled in December 2010 by Javier Parra ( For easier understanding, all the contents are organized in CSV file format.

-. Basic statistics
Number of Nodes: 2,523,386
Number of Edges: 9,197,338}
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