Oxford Buildings dataset
James Philbin and Relja Arandjelović and Andrew Zisserman

folder oxford-buildings (8 files)
filecompute_ap.cpp 1.78kB
filefeat_oxc1_hesaff_sift.bin.tgz 1.61GB
fileglda.tar.bz2 228.20MB
filegt_files_170407.tgz 8.17kB
fileoxbuild_images.tgz 1.98GB
fileREADME 1.95kB
fileREADME2.txt 106.13kB
fileword_oxc1_hesaff_sift_16M_1M.tgz 304.65MB
Type: Dataset

title= {Oxford Buildings dataset},
journal= {},
author= {James Philbin and Relja Arandjelović and Andrew Zisserman},
year= {},
url= {https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/oxbuildings/},
abstract= {The Oxford Buildings Dataset consists of 5062 images collected from
Flickr by searching for particular Oxford landmarks.  The collection
has been manually annotated to generate a comprehensive ground truth
for 11 different landmarks, each represented by 5 possible queries.
This gives a set of 55 queries over which an object retrieval system
can be evaluated.},
keywords= {},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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