Introduction to Computer Science [CS50x] [Harvard] [2018]

folder 01-CS50x_2018 (192 files)
file01-CS50 2017 - Lecture 0 - Scratch.mp4 203.02MB
file01-lecture0.pdf 4.42MB
file01-lecture0.txt 62.09kB
file04-command_line.txt 18.01kB
file04-Command Line.mp4 31.08MB
file04-Command Line-lnYKOnz9ln8.mp4 33.13MB
file04-conditional_statements.txt 9.39kB
file04-Conditional Statements-1wsaV5nVC7g.mp4 18.99MB
file04-Conditional Statements-FqUeHzvci10.mp4 19.19MB
file04-CS50 2017 - Lecture 1 - C-3K4jWlpR4iY.mp4 249.58MB
file04-data_types.txt 15.55kB
file04-Data Types-luDPUSmTcPc.mp4 30.44MB
file04-Data Types-q6K8KMqt8wQ.mp4 33.25MB
file04-IDE-6yjl46TzaeI.mp4 31.42MB
file04-IDE-tEjbe85aZT4.mp4 27.41MB
file04-lecture1.pdf 4.50MB
file04-lecture1.txt 89.87kB
file04-loops.txt 10.21kB
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file04-Loops-WgX8e_O7eG8.mp4 22.12MB
file04-operators.txt 12.21kB
file04-Operators-7apBtlEkJzk.mp4 28.47MB
file04-Operators-f1xZf4iJDWE.mp4 27.80MB 6.65kB
file08-arrays.txt 13.94kB
file08-Arrays-K1yC1xshF40.mp4 37.21MB
file08-Arrays-mISkNAfWl8k.mp4 35.21MB
file08-command_line_arguments.txt 7.38kB
file08-Command Line Arguments-AI6Ccfno6Pk.mp4 22.42MB
file08-Command Line Arguments-thL7ILwRNMM.mp4 22.18MB
file08-CS50 2017 - Lecture 2 - C, continued-IJNPHorTqQs.mp4 325.70MB
file08-Debugging-w4TAY2HPLEg.mp4 71.31MB
file08-functions.txt 20.87kB
file08-Functions-b7-0sb-DV84.mp4 49.08MB
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file08-lecture2.pdf 3.83MB
file08-lecture2.txt 106.85kB
file08-magic_numbers.txt 7.33kB
file08-Magic Numbers-sLWTR8chcQk.mp4 21.96MB
file08-Magic Numbers-vK_naJkrtjc.mp4 22.40MB 6.61kB
file08-Variables and Scope-GiFbdVGjF9I.mp4 20.26MB
file08-Variables and Scope-IQjPKJtYGQk.mp4 18.57MB
file12-algorithms_summary.txt 4.52kB
file12-Algorithms Summary-j_pXizwRKVw.mp4 10.23MB
file12-Algorithms Summary-ktWL3nN38ZA.mp4 11.69MB
file12-binary_search.txt 9.94kB
file12-Binary Search-aYvuxAPECiw.mp4 20.45MB
file12-Binary Search-T98PIp4omUA.mp4 25.85MB
Too many files! Click here to view them all.
Type: Course
Tags: Science, computer, cs50x, introduction, harvard, yale, course

title= {Introduction to Computer Science [CS50x] [Harvard] [2018]},
keywords= {course, computer, cs50x, Science, introduction, harvard, yale},
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abstract= {"Demanding, but definitely doable. Social, but educational. A focused topic, but broadly applicable skills. CS50 is the quintessential Harvard (and Yale!) course.

Hello, world! This is CS50 (aka CS50x through edX), Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. 

Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. This course teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. Designed for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience.

superseded= {},
terms= {}

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