Imagenet Full (Fall 2011 release)
Jia Deng and Wei Dong and Richard Socher and Li-Jia Li and Kai Li and Li Fei-Fei

by tailsu at 2019-09-09 09:01:21 GMT icon for userThe torrent contains a single .tar file that contains multiple .tar files, one for each synset, which finally contain the image jpegs.

Ideally the torrent should contain the jpegs straight away, with no intermediate archives inside of it. This will reduce the amount of IO needed to start working with the data. This will also make it easier to keep seeding it, because then you won't need to keep both the tar for seeding and the untarred images for work.

by kellan at 2019-11-07 11:48:51 GMT icon for usercannot download this dataset

by alexburtnik at 2020-01-28 11:12:11 GMT icon for userI'll just leave it here for those who need to extract all the tar files (in place) after initial untar is done.

for file in *.tar; do
   mkdir "$name"    
   tar -xf "$file" --directory "$name"
   rm "$file"
Last edited by alexburtnik at 2020-01-28 11:14:04 GMT

by h at 2020-03-03 12:56:18 GMT icon for userHow many image files are in this torrent (in the extracted tars)?

by daisyhaohao at 2020-09-24 07:05:41 GMT icon for usercannot download

by liuyx599 at 2021-01-21 03:45:58 GMT icon for user网页中平均速度几十M每秒是怎么做到的,我用迅雷会员下载才几百k每秒

by wrk226 at 2022-07-28 06:16:44 GMT icon for user链接: 提取码:jag9

by erotemic at 2024-08-18 18:01:59 GMT icon for userTo expand on tailsu's point, hosting a compressed version of the dataset likely isn't doing much to reduce bandwidth given that jpegs are not very compressible. Furthermore, a torrent with the individual images (or at least archives for individual synsets) would allow for partial downloads of the dataset.

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