MPII Human Pose Dataset

folder andriluka14cvpr (2 files)
filempii_human_pose_v1.tar.gz 12.09GB 12.34MB
Type: Dataset

title= {MPII Human Pose Dataset},
keywords= {},
author= {},
abstract= {MPII Human Pose dataset is a state of the art benchmark for evaluation of articulated human pose estimation. The dataset includes around 25K images containing over 40K people with annotated body joints. The images were systematically collected using an established taxonomy of every day human activities. Overall the dataset covers 410 human activities and each image is provided with an activity label. Each image was extracted from a YouTube video and provided with preceding and following un-annotated frames. In addition, for the test set we obtained richer annotations including body part occlusions and 3D torso and head orientations.

Following the best practices for the performance evaluation benchmarks in the literature we withhold the test annotations to prevent overfitting and tuning on the test set. We are working on an automatic evaluation server and performance analysis tools based on rich test set annotations.

Citing the dataset
               author = {Mykhaylo Andriluka and Leonid Pishchulin and Peter Gehler and Schiele, Bernt}
               title = {2D Human Pose Estimation: New Benchmark and State of the Art Analysis},
               booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
               year = {2014},
               month = {June}
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {},
url= {}

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