UCI Machine Learning Datasets 12/2013

folder machine-learning-databases (211 files)
fileUNIX_user_data-mld/UNIX_user_data.tar.gz 163.12kB
fileSyskillWebert-mld/SyskillWebert.tar.gz 475.80kB
fileJapaneseVowels-mld/size_ae.train 0.03kB
fileJapaneseVowels-mld/size_ae.test 0.03kB
fileJapaneseVowels-mld/ae.train 496.61kB
fileJapaneseVowels-mld/ae.test 660.98kB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/size 0.48kB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/LayoutHistogram.asc.gz 5.00MB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/CoocTexture.asc.gz 4.56MB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/ColorMoments.asc.gz 2.63MB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/ColorHistogram.asc.gz 4.88MB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/534099.jpg 3.56kB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/48000.jpg 3.85kB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/354090.jpg 4.48kB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/294084.jpg 3.65kB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/231076.jpg 3.96kB
fileCorelFeatures-mld/151085.jpg 3.86kB
filecensus-income-mld/census.tar.gz 7.16MB
filecensus-income-mld/census-income.test.gz 3.26MB
filecensus-income-mld/census-income.names 14.89kB
filecensus-income-mld/census-income.data.gz 6.52MB
filecar/car.names 3.10kB
filecar/car.data 51.87kB
filecar/car.c45-names 0.28kB
filebridges/Index 0.17kB
filebridges/bridges.names 4.44kB
filebridges/bridges.data.version2 6.49kB
filebridges/bridges.data.version1 6.13kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/wpbc.names 5.67kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/wpbc.data 44.23kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/wdbc.names 4.71kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/wdbc.data 124.10kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/unformatted-data 21.36kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/Index 0.33kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/breast-cancer-wisconsin.names 5.66kB
filebreast-cancer-wisconsin/breast-cancer-wisconsin.data 19.89kB
filebreast-cancer/Index 0.09kB
filebreast-cancer/breast-cancer.names 3.17kB
filebreast-cancer/breast-cancer-data 0.22kB
fileblood-transfusion/transfusion.names 3.17kB
fileblood-transfusion/transfusion.data 12.84kB
fileballoons/yellow-small.data 0.54kB
fileballoons/yellow-small+adult-stretch.data 0.43kB
fileballoons/Index 0.25kB
fileballoons/balloons.names 1.10kB
fileballoons/adult-stretch.data 0.53kB
Too many files! Click here to view them all.
Type: Dataset
Tags: UCI

title= {UCI Machine Learning Datasets 12/2013},
journal= {},
author= {UCI },
year= {2013},
url= {},
abstract= {The UCI Machine Learning Repository is a collection of databases, domain theories, and data generators that are used by the machine learning community for the empirical analysis of machine learning algorithms. The archive was created as an ftp archive in 1987 by David Aha and fellow graduate students at UC Irvine. Since that time, it has been widely used by students, educators, and researchers all over the world as a primary source of machine learning data sets. As an indication of the impact of the archive, it has been cited over 1000 times, making it one of the top 100 most cited "papers" in all of computer science. The current version of the web site was designed in 2007 by Arthur Asuncion and David Newman, and this project is in collaboration with Rexa.info at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Funding support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.

Many people deserve thanks for making the repository a success. Foremost among them are the donors and creators of the databases and data generators. Special thanks should also go to the past librarians of the repository: David Aha, Patrick Murphy, Christopher Merz, Eamonn Keogh, Cathy Blake, Seth Hettich, and David Newman.},
keywords= {UCI},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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