L1000 Connectivity Map perturbational profiles from Broad Institute LINCS Center for Transcriptomics LINCS PHASE *II* (n=354,123; updated March 30, 2017) (Level 5 data)

Type: Dataset

title= {L1000 Connectivity Map perturbational profiles from Broad Institute LINCS Center for Transcriptomics LINCS PHASE *II* (n=354,123; updated March 30, 2017) (Level 5 data)},
keywords= {},
author= {LINCS},
abstract= {The Library of Integrated Cellular Signatures (LINCS) is an NIH program which funds the generation of perturbational profiles across multiple cell and perturbation types, as well as read-outs, at a massive scale. The LINCS Center for Transcriptomics at the Broad Institute uses the L1000 high-throughput gene-expression assay to build a Connectivity Map which seeks to enable the discovery of functional connections between drugs, genes and diseases through analysis of patterns induced by common gene-expression changes.

This is Level 5 data:


Series GSE70138

L1000 data is provided at five levels of the data processing pipeline:

	Level 1: Raw unprocessed flow cytometry data from Luminex (LXB)
	Level 2: Gene expression values per 1000 genes after deconvolution (GEX)
	Level 3: Quantile-normalized gene expression profiles of landmark genes and imputed transcripts (Q2NORM or INF)
	Level 4: Gene signatures computed using z-scores relative to the plate population as control (ZSPCINF) or relative to the plate vehicle control (ZSVCINF)
	Level 5: Differential gene expression signatures

terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {},
url= {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE70138},
year= {2017}

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