Images of thin blood smears with bounding boxes around malaria parasites (malaria-655)
F Boray Tek and Andrew G Dempster and Izzet Kale

folder malaria-655 (2 files)
filemalaria.txt 240.54kB 105.21MB
Type: Dataset

title= {Images of thin blood smears with bounding boxes around malaria parasites (malaria-655)},
keywords= {},
author= {F Boray Tek and Andrew G Dempster and Izzet Kale},
abstract= {655 images of thin smears with bounding boxes around parasites
Tek FB, Dempster AG, Kale I, Parasite detection and identification for automated thin blood film malaria diagnosis. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 2010, 114:21-32.},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {},
url= {}

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