DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus LDC93S1
John S. Garofolo and Lori F. Lamel and William M. Fisher and Jonathan G. Fiscus and David S. Pallett and Nancy L. Dahlgren and Victor Zue

Type: Dataset
Tags: nlp, natural language, NIST, corpus, speech, audio, DARPA, Acoustic, Phonetic, Continuous, Recording, Spoken word, speech recognition, LDC93S1, sound, TIMIT

title= {DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus LDC93S1},
doi= {10.35111/17gk-bn40},
isbn= {1-58563-019-5},
islrn= {664-033-662-630-6},
journal= {},
author= {John S. Garofolo and Lori F. Lamel and William M. Fisher and Jonathan G. Fiscus and David S. Pallett and Nancy L. Dahlgren and Victor Zue},
year= {1993},
url= {https://doi.org/10.35111/17gk-bn40},
abstract= {# Introduction
The TIMIT corpus of read speech is designed to provide speech data for acoustic-phonetic studies and for the development and evaluation of automatic speech recognition systems. TIMIT contains broadband recordings of 630 speakers of eight major dialects of American English, each reading ten phonetically rich sentences. The TIMIT corpus includes time-aligned orthographic, phonetic and word transcriptions as well as a 16-bit, 16kHz speech waveform file for each utterance. Corpus design was a joint effort among the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), SRI International (SRI) and Texas Instruments, Inc. (TI). The speech was recorded at TI, transcribed at MIT and verified and prepared for CD-ROM production by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The TIMIT corpus transcriptions have been hand verified. Test and training subsets, balanced for phonetic and dialectal coverage, are specified. Tabular computer-searchable information is included as well as written documentation.

# Metadata
Item Name:	TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus
Author(s):	John S. Garofolo, Lori F. Lamel, William M. Fisher, Jonathan G. Fiscus, David S. Pallett, Nancy L. Dahlgren, Victor Zue
LDC Catalog No.:	LDC93S1
ISBN:	1-58563-019-5
ISLRN:	664-033-662-630-6
DOI:	https://doi.org/10.35111/17gk-bn40
Member Year(s):	1993
DCMI Type(s):	Sound
Sample Type:	1-channel pcm
Sample Rate:	16000
Data Source(s):	microphone speech
Application(s):	speech recognition
Language(s):	English
Language ID(s):	eng
License(s):	LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
Online Documentation:	LDC93S1 Documents https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/docs/LDC93S1/
Citation:	Garofolo, John S., et al. TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus LDC93S1. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 1993.},
keywords= {sound, nlp, natural language, NIST, corpus, speech, audio, DARPA, Acoustic, Phonetic, Continuous, Recording, Spoken word, speech recognition, LDC93S1, TIMIT},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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