Neural Networks Video Lectures - Hugo Larochelle
Hugo Larochelle

folder neural_nets_larochelle (92 files)
fileNeural networks [10.13] - Natural language processing - tree inference-NJozqoejJnA.mp4 100.64MB
fileNeural networks [10.14] - Natural language processing - recursive network training-oRxgRHJztPI.mp4 87.35MB
fileNeural networks [10.12] - Natural language processing - merging representations-gPNPINa7PaM.mp4 31.31MB
fileNeural networks [10.11] - Natural language processing - recursive network-AqEF2HIMjYA.mp4 49.86MB
fileNeural networks [10.10] - Natural language processing - multitask learning-ciNBQupWsAc.mp4 136.05MB
fileNeural networks [10.9] - Natural language processing - convolutional network-6jCDUQ-e-fY.mp4 108.85MB
fileNeural networks [10.8] - Natural language processing - word tagging-pCLIo4Z-PsM.mp4 92.46MB
fileNeural networks [10.7] - Natural language processing - hierarchical output layer-B95LTf2rVWM.mp4 117.45MB
fileNeural networks [10.6] - Natural language processing - neural network language model-FoDz01QNSiY.mp4 109.55MB
fileNeural networks [10.5] - Natural language processing - language modeling-iGmHnICXDss.mp4 57.46MB
fileNeural networks [10.4] - Natural language processing - word representations-PKszi8iogak.mp4 71.48MB
fileNeural networks [10.3] - Natural language processing - one-hot encoding-iZ3e_cifP7Y.mp4 51.95MB
fileNeural networks [10.2] - Natural language processing - preprocessing-jcrhYEYwO9k.mp4 60.48MB
fileNeural networks [10.1] - Natural language processing - motivation-OzZIOiMVUyM.mp4 19.74MB
fileNeural networks [9.10] - Computer vision - convolutional RBM-y0SISi_T6s8.mp4 71.47MB
fileNeural networks [9.9] - Computer vision - data set expansion-Km1Q5VcSKAg.mp4 51.28MB
fileNeural networks [9.8] - Computer vision - example-Gk8VvSL3IMk.mp4 124.16MB
fileNeural networks [9.7] - Computer vision - object recognition-eU83LSM3xnk.mp4 69.26MB
fileNeural networks [9.6] - Computer vision - convolutional network-cDdpwAIsuD8.mp4 116.76MB
fileNeural networks [9.5] - Computer vision - pooling and subsampling-I-JKxcpbRT4.mp4 52.43MB
fileNeural networks [9.4] - Computer vision - discrete convolution-Y7TMwqAWEdo.mp4 86.37MB
fileNeural networks [9.3] - Computer vision - parameter sharing-aAT1t9p7ShM.mp4 82.76MB
fileNeural networks [9.2] - Computer vision - local connectivity-vLf3KVe2Z1k.mp4 30.80MB
fileNeural networks [9.1] - Computer vision - motivation-rxKrCa4bg1I.mp4 46.77MB
fileNeural networks [8.9] - relationship with V1-MdomgSiL86Q.mp4 49.68MB
fileNeural networks [8.8] - Sparse coding - feature extraction-FL81zSjAEEg.mp4 68.91MB
fileNeural networks [8.7] - Sparse coding - ZCA preprocessing-eUiwhV1QcQ4.mp4 50.63MB
fileNeural networks [8.6] - Sparse coding - online dictionary learning algorithm-IePxTepLvQc.mp4 77.36MB
fileNeural networks [8.5] - Sparse coding - dictionary learning algorithm-PzNMff7cYjM.mp4 47.52MB
fileNeural networks [8.4] - Sparse coding - dictionary update with block-coordinate descent-UMdNfhgPKTc.mp4 82.37MB
fileNeural networks [8.3] - Sparse coding - dictionary update with projected gradient descent-bhqNSjJ_A20.mp4 22.61MB
fileNeural networks [8.2] - Sparse coding - inference (ISTA algorithm)-L6qhzWWtqQs.mp4 72.97MB
fileNeural networks [8.1] - Sparse coding - definition-7a0_iEruGoM.mp4 68.77MB
fileNeural networks [7.9] - Deep learning - DBN pre-training-35MUlYCColk.mp4 140.26MB
fileNeural networks [7.8] - Deep learning - variational bound-pStDscJh2Wo.mp4 89.04MB
fileNeural networks [7.7] - Deep learning - deep belief network-vkb6AWYXZ5I.mp4 99.13MB
fileNeural networks [7.6] - Deep learning - deep autoencoder-z5ZYm_wJ37c.mp4 65.88MB
fileNeural networks [7.5] - Deep learning - dropout-UcKPdAM8cnI.mp4 58.84MB
fileNeural networks [7.4] - Deep learning - example-SXnG-lQ7RJo.mp4 85.69MB
fileNeural networks [7.3] - Deep learning - unsupervised pre-training-Oq38pINmddk.mp4 86.50MB
fileNeural networks [7.2] - Deep learning - difficulty of training-YoiUlN_77LU.mp4 72.44MB
fileNeural networks [7.1] - Deep learning - motivation-vXMpKYRhpmI.mp4 100.49MB
fileNeural networks [6.7] - Autoencoder - contractive autoencoder-79sYlJ8Cvlc.mp4 73.93MB
fileNeural networks [6.5] - Autoencoder - undercomplete vs. overcomplete hidden layer-5rLgoM2Pkso.mp4 48.65MB
fileNeural networks [6.6] - Autoencoder - denoising autoencoder-t2NQ_c5BFOc.mp4 124.20MB
fileNeural networks [6.4] - Autoencoder - linear autoencoder-xq-I0Rl8mt0.mp4 166.49MB
fileNeural networks [6.3] - Autoencoder - example-6DO_jVbDP3I.mp4 18.76MB
fileNeural networks [6.2] - Autoencoder - loss function-xTU79Zs4XKY.mp4 73.12MB
fileNeural networks [6.1] - Autoencoder - definition-FzS3tMl4Nsc.mp4 39.23MB
Too many files! Click here to view them all.
Type: Course

title= {Neural Networks Video Lectures - Hugo Larochelle},
journal= {},
author= {Hugo Larochelle},
year= {},
url= {},
abstract= {Here is the list of topics covered in the course, segmented over 10 weeks. Each week is associated with explanatory video clips and recommended readings.

0. Introduction and math revision
1. Feedforward neural network
2. Training neural networks
3. Conditional random fields 
4. Training CRFs
5. Restricted Boltzmann machine
6. Autoencoders
7. Deep learning
8. Sparse coding
9. Computer vision
10. Natural language processing

keywords= {},
terms= {}

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