Penn Treebank Revised: English News Text Treebank LDC2015T13
Ann Bies and Justin Mott and Colin Warner

Type: Dataset
Tags: nlp, english, natural language, corpus, news, text, newswire, Treebank, LDC, corpora, Penn Treebank, Penn, 2015, LDC2015T13, parsing, tagging, part of speech, WSJ, PTB

title= {Penn Treebank Revised: English News Text Treebank LDC2015T13},
journal= {},
author= {Ann Bies and Justin Mott and Colin Warner},
year= {2015},
url= {},
doi= {10.35111/xpjy-at91},
isbn= {1-58563-724-6},
dcmi= {text},
languages= {english},
language= {english},
ldc= {LDC2015T13},
abstract= {# Penn Treebank Revised: English News Text Treebank - 2015

## Metadata

* Item Name:	English News Text Treebank: Penn Treebank Revised
* Author(s):	Ann Bies, Justin Mott, Colin Warner
* LDC Catalog No.:	LDC2015T13
* ISBN:	1-58563-724-6
* DOI:
* Release Date:	July 15, 2015
* Member Year(s):	2015
* DCMI Type(s):	Text
* Data Source(s):	newswire
* Application(s):	parsing, tagging, part of speech tagging, natural language processing
* Language(s):	English
* Language ID(s):	eng
* License(s):	LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
* Online Documentation:	LDC2015T13 Documents
* Licensing Instructions:	Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
* Citation:	Bies, Ann, Justin Mott, and Colin Warner. English News Text Treebank: Penn Treebank Revised LDC2015T13. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2015.
* Related Works:	View

## Introduction

English News Text Treebank: Penn Treebank Revised was developed by the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) with funding through a gift from Google Inc. It consists of a combination of automated and manual revisions of the [Penn Treebank]( annotation of Wall Street Journal (WSJ) stories. The data is comprised of 1,203,648 word-level tokens in 49,191 sentence-level tokens -- in all 2,312 of the original Penn Treebank WSJ files.

## Data

This release includes revised tokenization, part-of-speech, and syntactic treebank annotation intended to bring the full WSJ treebank section into compliance with the agreed-upon policies and updates implemented for current English treebank annotation specifications at LDC. Examples include English Web Treebank ([LDC2012T13](, OntoNotes ([LDC2013T19](, and English translation treebanks such as English Translation Treebank: An-Nahar Newswire ([LDC2012T02]( English Treebank Supplemental Guidelines are included in this release.

## Samples

Please view this [treebank]( and [tokenized]( samples.

## Updates

None at this time.
keywords= {nlp, english, natural language, corpus, news, text, newswire, Treebank, LDC, corpora, PTB, Penn Treebank, Penn, 2015, LDC2015T13, parsing, tagging, part of speech, WSJ},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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