[Coursera] Web Intelligence and Big Data by Dr. Gautam Shroff

folder coursera-web-intelligence-and-big-data (123 files)
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fileassignments/hw3_data.zip 2.75MB
fileassignments/hw6_assignment2.pdf 188.93kB
fileassignments/hw7_assignment3.pdf 131.59kB
fileassignments/hw7_genesblind.tab.zip 1.23MB
fileassignments/hw7_genestrain.tab.zip 6.47MB
fileassignments/important.jpg 117.70kB
filelecture-slides/0-Introduction Lecture Slides.pdf 862.42kB
filelecture-slides/1-Look Lecture Slides.pdf 1.23MB
filelecture-slides/2-Listen Lecture Slides.pdf 1.57MB
filelecture-slides/3-Load-Lecture-Slides.pdf 1.81MB
filelecture-slides/4-Load Lecture Slides.pdf 840.08kB
filelecture-slides/5-Learn Lecture Slides.pdf 554.59kB
filelecture-slides/6-Connect Lecture Slides.pdf 325.67kB
filelecture-slides/8-Predict Lecture Slides.pdf 3.98MB
filelecture-videos/unit0-intro/Web Intelligence and Big Data 0.0 0-0 Preamble (326).mp4 6.32MB
filelecture-videos/unit0-intro/Web Intelligence and Big Data 0.1 0-1 Revisiting Turing's Test (309).mp4 4.41MB
filelecture-videos/unit0-intro/Web Intelligence and Big Data 0.2 0-2 Web-Scale AI and Big Data (358).mp4 5.49MB
filelecture-videos/unit0-intro/Web Intelligence and Big Data 0.3 0-3-1 Web Intelligence (322).mp4 4.84MB
filelecture-videos/unit0-intro/Web Intelligence and Big Data 0.4 0-3-2 Big Data (615).mp4 8.31MB
filelecture-videos/unit0-intro/Web Intelligence and Big Data 0.5 0-4 Course Outline (413).mp4 6.38MB
filelecture-videos/unit0-intro/Web Intelligence and Big Data 0.6 0-5 Recap and Preview (237).mp4 7.02MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.0 1-1 Basic Indexing (722).mp4 9.30MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.1 1-2 Index Creation (540).mp4 7.52MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.10 1-7-2 Locality Sensitive Hashing (451).mp4 6.50MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.11 1-7-3 LSH Example - 1 (317).mp4 5.04MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.12 1-7-4 LSH Example - 2 (154).mp4 3.02MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.13 1-7-5 LSH Intuition (408).mp4 5.34MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.14 1-7-6 High-dimensional Objects (819).mp4 10.93MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.15 1-7-7 Associative Memories (525).mp4 8.07MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.16 1-7-8 Recap and Preview (244).mp4 3.15MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.2 1-3 Complexity of Index Creation (328).mp4 4.99MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.3 1-4-1 Ranking - 1 (424).mp4 5.65MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.4 1-4-2 Ranking - 2 (448).mp4 6.72MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.5 1-5-1 Page Rank and Memory (601).mp4 8.36MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.6 1-5-2 Google and the Mind (518).mp4 7.47MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.7 1-6-1 Enterprise Search (441).mp4 6.26MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.8 1-6-2 Searching Structured Data (625).mp4 8.99MB
filelecture-videos/unit1-look/Web Intelligence and Big Data 1.9 1-7-1 Object Search (507).mp4 6.85MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.0 2-1 Preamble - Listen (318).mp4 4.08MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.1 2-2 Shannon Information (618).mp4 8.63MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.10 2-10 Mutual Information (858).mp4 58.21MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.11 2-11 Machine Learning - Limits (1029).mp4 14.35MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.12 2-12 Recap and Preview (314).mp4 4.53MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.2 2-3 Information and Advertising (549).mp4 7.81MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.3 2-4 TF-IDF (824).mp4 11.38MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.4 2-5 TF-IDF Example (609).mp4 8.44MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.5 2-6 Language and Information (856).mp4 12.23MB
filelecture-videos/unit2-listen/Web Intelligence and Big Data 2.6 2-7 Machine Learning Intro (900).mp4 55.28MB
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Type: Course

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