[Coursera] Natural Language Processing (Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning)
Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning

folder Natural Language Processing (102 files)
file1 - 1 - Course Introduction (14_11).mp4 12.85MB
file10 - 1 - What is Relation Extraction_ (9_47).mp4 10.68MB
file10 - 2 - Using Patterns to Extract Relations (6_17).mp4 6.37MB
file10 - 3 - Supervised Relation Extraction (10_51).mp4 10.81MB
file10 - 4 - Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Relation Extraction (9_53).mp4 10.55MB
file11 - 1 - The Maximum Entropy Model Presentation (12_14).mp4 18.12MB
file11 - 2 - Feature Overlap_Feature Interaction (12_51).mp4 13.25MB
file11 - 3 - Conditional Maxent Models for Classification (4_11).mp4 5.02MB
file11 - 4 - Smoothing_Regularization_Priors for Maxent Models (29_24).mp4 30.19MB
file12 - 1 - An Intro to Parts of Speech and POS Tagging (13_19).mp4 12.46MB
file12 - 2 - Some Methods and Results on Sequence Models for POS Tagging (13_04).mp4 13.44MB
file13 - 1 - Syntactic Structure_ Constituency vs Dependency (8_46).mp4 9.40MB
file13 - 2 - Empirical_Data-Driven Approach to Parsing (7_11).mp4 7.59MB
file13 - 3 - The Exponential Problem in Parsing (14_30).mp4 15.59MB
file14 - 1 - Instructor Chat (9_02).mp4 24.93MB
file15 - 1 - CFGs and PCFGs (15_29).mp4 17.45MB
file15 - 2 - Grammar Transforms (12_05).mp4 12.63MB
file15 - 3 - CKY Parsing (23_25).mp4 27.45MB
file15 - 4 - CKY Example (21_52).mp4 24.58MB
file15 - 5 - Constituency Parser Evaluation (9_45).mp4 11.18MB
file16 - 1 - Lexicalization of PCFGs (7_03).mp4 7.47MB
file16 - 2 - Charniak_'s Model (18_23).mp4 19.88MB
file16 - 3 - PCFG Independence Assumptions (9_44).mp4 10.31MB
file16 - 4 - The Return of Unlexicalized PCFGs (20_53).mp4 22.25MB
file16 - 5 - Latent Variable PCFGs (12_07).mp4 13.16MB
file17 - 1 - Dependency Parsing Introduction (10_25).mp4 11.69MB
file17 - 2 - Greedy Transition-Based Parsing (31_05).mp4 32.88MB
file17 - 3 - Dependencies Encode Relational Structure (7_20).mp4 7.59MB
file18 - 1 - Introduction to Information Retrieval (9_16).mp4 9.50MB
file18 - 2 - Term-Document Incidence Matrices (8_59).mp4 9.46MB
file18 - 3 - The Inverted Index (10_42).mp4 11.23MB
file18 - 4 - Query Processing with the Inverted Index (6_43).mp4 7.07MB
file18 - 5 - Phrase Queries and Positional Indexes (19_45).mp4 21.60MB
file19 - 1 - Introducing Ranked Retrieval (4_27).mp4 4.80MB
file19 - 2 - Scoring with the Jaccard Coefficient (5_06).mp4 5.66MB
file19 - 3 - Term Frequency Weighting (5_59).mp4 6.67MB
file19 - 4 - Inverse Document Frequency Weighting (10_16).mp4 11.66MB
file19 - 5 - TF-IDF Weighting (3_42).mp4 4.30MB
file19 - 6 - The Vector Space Model (16_22).mp4 17.76MB
file19 - 7 - Calculating TF-IDF Cosine Scores (12_47).mp4 13.88MB
file19 - 8 - Evaluating Search Engines (9_02).mp4 9.24MB
file2 - 1 - Regular Expressions (11_25).mp4 11.37MB
file2 - 2 - Regular Expressions in Practical NLP (6_04).mp4 8.35MB
file2 - 3 - Word Tokenization (14_26).mp4 13.07MB
file2 - 4 - Word Normalization and Stemming (11_47).mp4 10.57MB
file2 - 5 - Sentence Segmentation (5_31).mp4 5.21MB
file20 - 1 - Word Senses and Word Relations (11_50).mp4 15.62MB
file20 - 2 - WordNet and Other Online Thesauri (6_23).mp4 9.17MB
file20 - 3 - Word Similarity and Thesaurus Methods (16_17).mp4 21.22MB
Too many files! Click here to view them all.
Type: Course

title= {[Coursera] Natural Language Processing (Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning)},
journal= {},
author= {Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning},
year= {2012},
url= {},
abstract= {},
keywords= {},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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